Purposed Coaching

                       with Doug Hammett



(Connecting & Communicating)


  • Tired of surface conversations?  

  • Wish you could get to the heart in conversation? 

  • Want to connect with your spouse, child, parent or others with whom you interact? 

  • Would correcting someone without offense be of help in your ministry? 

  • If you could more powerfully communicate that you value others, would it make a difference? 





Yes, you can learn to communicate more powerfully and deeper than you have in the past. These skills are not difficult to learn; they just take insight and practice.



The HeartTalk Seminar can be tailored for the following groups:




HeartTalk for Preachers

Pastors often feel misunderstood. Some are hesitant to correct because of conflicts that seem inevitable. Others have difficulty because every time they do speak to someone to show them the way of God, that person seems to get angry. Many of these problems are correctable! Connect with the people you care for.




HeartTalk for Evangelism

In witnessing we can easily feel like we are talking to a wall and cannot open the heart of those that are lost, not to mention the drawback of feeling like a slick salesman trying to sell snake oil to the unwary. Christ did not have that problem. Learn the way of communicating that changes all of that and opens hearts to hear what you are saying. 



HeartTalk for Ministry Leaders

Ministry leaders within the church are in a very special place. They need to understand what the leaders over them want, yet still be able to connect with those under them and train them to do the task at hand without constant supervision. This seminar will help you find the issue that needs attention and give you the tools to help those under your supervision, all in a way that they feel cared for and loved as well as instructed.




HeartTalk for Couples

"You don't listen to me!" is not unusual to hear in many marriages, but it can be different. In this seminar, we deal with some principles and practices that can help you really hear your spouse and find out where their heart is. That alone will give you breakthroughs in your relationship that you will be able to build on for the rest of your life.




HeartTalk for Parents

Learn to discern what your child is really thinking and how to help them work through the issues of life to make wise and godly decisions. This seminar builds on what is commanded in the Word of God and provides possible breakthroughs that will take your Parent/Child relationships to a whole new depth.

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What others are saying...


  "It truly has shown me my focus on myself in conversation and thought; it has made me stop and think how I could help the other person, not myself." -KN


" I would recommend this material because it will open your perspective to the value of using questions in your conversations."


"It is important for Christians to counsel one another. This class will teach you how to give and receive and seek counsel in important situations in life. It will also help you improve relationships by being a better listener and communicator." -DM


" I would encourage any Christian who is interested in helping others to take this class because it gives very practical suggestions and offers valuable insight." -ER